Stainless Steel Scale Remover – Pemoles Stainless Steel
Rp 125.800
( Contain : 900 ml / bottle )
- Restore stainless steel surfaces their shine and stains disappear.
- Stainless Steel Scale Remover is high-powered, small quantities are sufficient for achieving good result and follow polish by Stainless Steel Nourishing Oil (KC-L409).
- Usually is used in catering kitchens, food production business, restaurant.
- Dosage: Ready To Use.
- Product of Germany.
( Isi : 900 ml / botol )
- Mengembalikan permukaan stainless steel yang berkilau dan menghilangkan noda.
- Stainless Steel Scale Remover bertenaga tinggi, dengan sedikit larutan cukup untuk mencapai hasil yang baik dan dilanjutkan poles dengan Stainless Steel Nourishing Oil (KC-L409).
- Biasa digunakan di dapur katering, bisnis produksi makanan, restoran.
- Dosis: Larutan Siap Pakai.
- Produk German.
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