Fruit Acids Sanitary Cleaner
Rp 140.000
( Contain : 900 ml / Bottle )
This product is a gentle sanitary cleaning agent based on fruit acids.
Removes calcium and related stains on acrylic, ceramics, porcelain, stoneware, chrome, stainless steel and glass (e.g tiles, toilet bowls, urinals, lavatories, fixtures, mirrors, toilet and shower stalls)
Dries without spots and has a pleasantly fresh and deodorizing scent.
Should not be used on polyamide, marmer and enamel.
Product of Germany.
( Isi : 900 ml / Botol )
Pembersih sanitasi yang lembut berdasarkan asam buah.
Membersihkan kalsium dan noda sejenis pada akrilik keramik, porcelain, stoneware, krom, stainless steel dan kaca (e.g ubin, toilet, urinal, WC, perlengkapan, cermin, toilet dan kamar mandi)
Mengeringkan tanpa meninggalkan noda dan memiliki aroma yang segar serta penghilang bau.
Tidak boleh digunakan pada poliamida, marmer dan enamel.
Produk German.
Rp 2.500.000 Rp 262.500 Rp 262.500 Rp 357.000 Rp 203.000 Rp 137.500 Rp 88.000 Rp 167.500 Rp 120.000 Rp 145.500
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